Thursday, September 20, 2012

Been busy, but hey I was on a podcast!!!

     So it's been a very busy bunch of months... Aside from working, writing and trying to squeeze in some video game time. Me and my girlfriend (Erika) , had been asked to be on a friends podcast. He generally  does shows about industrial music but after talking to us for a bit and realizing how much we know about video games (some would say too much). He asked if we would help host a retro game  episode, which he had been wanting to do for quite some time.

  So several weeks later we recorded the podcast and here it is, right HERE! We had such a good time recording it!!  Edwin who runs/owns ISN Radio, certainly knows his stuff. Not only music wise but also retro games as well! We had a great gaming session before recording. We played River City Ransom, Cobra Triangle and Ghostbuster (for SEGA Genesis) to name a few... But seriously if you like the episode, listen to some of the others and show some support!!!