Friday, May 20, 2011

Look at the Time!

Well it has been a while since i was last here... Been busy you know how it is. Work, work and the Gears 3 BETA! So unfortunately because of work I did not get as much time to play as I wanted. But thats life.

So lets hit the ground running! Right from the start the Gears of War 3 BETA was like being shotgun'd in the face, over and over again. As I said before they introduced a new double barrel Sawed Off shotgun to this game and boy does it pack a punch but only when you are a step away or closer then you opponent. I liked using it to blind fire at opponents as they come up to the corner where I have taken cover. Works great if you time it right but if you miss your opponent is in for and easy kill as it takes forever to reload the beast of a gun.

As for some of the other new weapons...... There is the new ONE SHOT which kills opponents in one shot(go figure). It only ever spawns with 3 rounds and it takes some time not only to reload but also to charge up a shot. If you time it right and hit someone with it, they explode in to glorious gibs!!! Pretty straight forward that one. Next was the Digger Mine Launcher. A neat gun that when fired launches a rocket like projectile that burrows in the ground bypassing all cover to pop up beside an entrenched enemy.  Was a neat weapon when used as it was intended but more often then not I witness players using it as a shotgun style weapon. Oh, someone in front  of me. BLAMMO! we are both dead..... The new Incendiary Grenades were fun but did not have enough splash damage in my opinion  to really replace the Frag Grenade.

Probably the best addition to the Gears Of War arsenal is the Retro Lancer. Like the Lancer it is a straight forward machine gun if you will. It has more power per shot which means it also has was less accuracy but with the bayonet you can charge. The Charge is so much fun if you can pull it off but it could always be stopped by a Sawed Off Blast to the face.....The Retro Lancer is the gun, I feel, had the most thought and work put in to it. Which certainly  paid off.

I myself love team games where there is an objective. King of the Hill was lots of fun to play and always meant you knew exactly where the fight was gonna be in the level. There was also Capture the Leader. Sorta like capture the flag but the flags are made out of people!!!! It was also neat to play as the leader, when you used your TAC-COM you could see every player both friendly and hostile. Never helped me too much as my team was always watching me get captured!!

There were many other addition to the game, some more minor then others. Too many for me to talk about today. This is definitely a huge improvement from Gears of War 2s multiplayer. I am also really looking forward to playing the Campaign and Horde Modes upon the games final release.

I leave you now, but look forward to more soon. Here is some more gore. That should hold you over.....for now.